Return Policy

An item may be returned for a refund or exchange as long as it is within 14 days of the receipt that is emailed out. The item must be in the original unused condition as originally shipped to the customer. Please include the name you used when you placed the order on all returns and you will be refunded to the card you used when placing your order. Refunds take up to 5-10 business days to hit your account. If you would like to exchange an item please send me an email to to know what size you would like to exchange for. All returns can be sent to the return address on your shipment or address on the insert card.


Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable. The customer is responsible for return shipping costs, unless the item has arrived damaged**. All refunds will be for the price of the item purchased and tax (if applicable), but not the cost of shipping.

**If the item arrives damaged or there is a mistake on my part (if you received the wrong item/color/size placed on your original order), you will be reimbursed for the purchase including shipping fees.

Arrival Time

After you place an order it will be processed within 6 hours unless your order is placed after 5PM MST, or on a non-business day (Saturday or Sunday, in that case your order will be processed the following business day). Domestic orders can arrive in 5-10 business days, and international orders between 14-21 business days.

SHOPCMCBELLA is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages once delivered.